Patient FAQs

Do I need a referral?

If you would like to claim the Medicare rebate for your appointment, you will need a referral letter, which you can request from your GP.

You can still make an appointment without a referral letter, though you will need to pay the full fee out of pocket.

What are my fees if I don’t have private health insurance?

If you don’t have private health insurance, you will need to pay for the appointment fees and the delivery fee. You will receive the Medicare rebate if you are eligible, but no additional rebate. You can call our practice team if you’re unsure and they will be able to discuss our needs and advise of our current fees.

What other expenses might I incur?

In addition to your obstetric fees, you may need to pay for:

  • Paediatrician services: for your newborn baby’s health check at the hospital
  • Anaesthetist services: if you need an epidural or caesarean section or surgical procedure during the birth of your baby
  • Surgical assistance: if you need to have a caesarean section
  • Associated hospital fees: only applicable if you do not have private health insurance.

It‘s best to discuss your private health insurance with your insurer, so you are aware of the inclusions and limitations in your cover.

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